This is a script to take control of the browser in logging into Microsoft Azure Portal.
I had the recurring irritant, that when I wanted to access my Azure Dashboard, I had to go through 2 logins, and that is because I was using Chrome browser, as it worked best in my environment...
and a proxy server login... it took a few steps and because of proxy server required yet another login.
Something not required on IE/Edge"
I needed a way to send keystrokes to the open window and control it that way.
So, I got out some Whip It up a tude, and started playing in the shell, and searching with google.
(Google knows everything, ya just got to know how to ask.)
A Blog article by Massimo Santin, I found this on his blog.
So I went about utilizing this function to do what I needed, I compiled the information about the windows that needed to be open and what needed to be entered into the windows. and created this script.
This is used in the include so it must be in the same DIR.
Once I worked the bugs out it, it works like a charm. and I created a Shortcut on the desktop to link to the script to go and open Azure for me.
It may take a little tweaking in your environment. Your proxy server may have a different name, and I did edit this sample to a fictitious company.
I did some password encryption to securely store the Proxy server password. To keep the security wonks off my case.
I had the recurring irritant, that when I wanted to access my Azure Dashboard, I had to go through 2 logins, and that is because I was using Chrome browser, as it worked best in my environment...
and a proxy server login... it took a few steps and because of proxy server required yet another login.
Something not required on IE/Edge"
I needed a way to send keystrokes to the open window and control it that way.
So, I got out some Whip It up a tude, and started playing in the shell, and searching with google.
(Google knows everything, ya just got to know how to ask.)
A Blog article by Massimo Santin, I found this on his blog.
<# .SYNOPSIS Send a sequence of keys to an application window .DESCRIPTION This Send-Keys script send a sequence of keys to an application window. To have more information about the key representation look at (C)2013 Massimo A. Santin - Use it at your own risk. .Source .PARAMETER ApplicationTitle The title of the application window .PARAMETER Keys The sequence of keys to send .PARAMETER WaitTime An optional number of seconds to wait after the sending of the keys .EXAMPLE Send-Keys "foobar - Notepad" "Hello world" Send the sequence of keys "Hello world" to the application titled "foobar - Notepad". .EXAMPLE Send-Keys "foobar - Notepad" "Hello world" -WaitTime 5 Send the sequence of keys "Hello world" to the application titled "foobar - Notepad" and wait 5 seconds. .EXAMPLE New-Item foobar.txt -ItemType File; notepad foobar.txt ; Send-Keys "foobar - Notepad" "Hello world{ENTER}Ciao mondo{ENTER}" -WaitTime 1; Send-Keys "foobar - Notepad" "^s" This command sequence creates a new text file called foobar.txt, opens the file using a notepad, writes some text and saves the file using notepad. .LINK #> Function Send-Keys { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=1)] [string] $ApplicationTitle, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=2)] [string] $Keys, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int] $WaitTime ) # load assembly cotaining class System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys [void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms") #Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms # add a C# class to access the WIN32 API SetForegroundWindow Add-Type @" using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class StartActivateProgramClass { [DllImport("user32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd); } "@ # get the applications with the specified title $p = Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.MainWindowTitle -eq $ApplicationTitle } if ($p) { # get the window handle of the first application $h = $p[0].MainWindowHandle # set the application to foreground [void] [StartActivateProgramClass]::SetForegroundWindow($h) # send the keys sequence # more info on MSDN at [System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys]::SendWait($Keys) if ($WaitTime) { Start-Sleep -Seconds $WaitTime } } }
So I went about utilizing this function to do what I needed, I compiled the information about the windows that needed to be open and what needed to be entered into the windows. and created this script.
<# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created on: 4/10/2019 6:53 PM Created by: Richard Stoddart Organization: Filename: start-azure.ps1 =========================================================================== .DESCRIPTION Open Azure session on workstation. #> #Setup #load function Send-Keys . "$PSScriptRoot\Send-Keys.ps1" $EmailFile = "$PSScriptRoot\Email.txt" $CipherFile = "$PSScriptRoot\Cipher.txt" #deal with email setting # delete $EmailFile to restart this query. IF (!(Test-Path $EmailFile)) { read-host -Prompt "EMAIL File not found! Please Enter EMAIL:" | Out-File $EmailFile } $Email = Get-Content $EmailFile #Deal with password cipher # delete $cipherfile to restart this query. IF (!(Test-Path $CipherFile)) { read-host -Prompt "Password File not found! Please Enter new Password:" -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $CipherFile } # & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" "" #Waiting for startup. $Loop = 100 While ($Loop -gt 1) { If (((Get-Process | ? { $_.ProcessName -eq "chrome" } |
? { $_.mainwindowtitle -like "Sign in*" }).mainwindowtitle)) { $loop = 0 } else { $loop-- } if ($loop -eq 1) { Return "timeout opening azure site" } Write-Host "." -NoNewline Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } "`nAzure login open, Proceed" #enter login info Send-Keys -ApplicationTitle "Sign in to Microsoft Azure - Google Chrome" -Keys "$email`r" Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 Send-Keys -ApplicationTitle "Sign in to Microsoft Azure - Google Chrome" -Keys "`r" #Proxy Server login section #Waiting for proxy. $Loop = 100 While ($Loop -gt 1) { If (
((Get-Process | ? { $_.ProcessName -eq "chrome" } |
? { $_.mainwindowtitle -like "*" }).mainwindowtitle)
{ $loop = 0 }
else { $loop-- } if ($loop -eq 1) { Return "timeout logging into proxy" } Write-Host "." -NoNewline Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } $GFSTitle = (Get-Process | ? { $_.ProcessName -eq "chrome" } | ? { $_.mainwindowtitle -like "*" }).mainwindowtitle $Cipher = get-content $CipherFile | ConvertTo-SecureString $Pass = (New-Object PSCredential "user", $Cipher).GetNetworkCredential().Password Send-Keys -ApplicationTitle $GFSTitle -Keys "$ENV:USERDOMAIN\$EnV:USERNAME`t$Pass`r" Clear-Variable Pass, Email* Set the proxy server name to your environment Proxy server web name.
This is used in the include so it must be in the same DIR.
Once I worked the bugs out it, it works like a charm. and I created a Shortcut on the desktop to link to the script to go and open Azure for me.
It may take a little tweaking in your environment. Your proxy server may have a different name, and I did edit this sample to a fictitious company.
I did some password encryption to securely store the Proxy server password. To keep the security wonks off my case.